Minister for Justice Ducks Questions on Number Plate Surveillance Scheme

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform was recently asked about the privacy implications of Garda plans to introduce cameras to record details of the number plate of every passing car. However, the Minister’s response doesn’t answer the questions asked and leaves us still …

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ISPs Ordered to hand over user details – users not notified of case or given chance to make submissions

The High Court yesterday made an order requiring ISPs to hand over details of 49 alleged filesharers to the music industry. After the first such order, in July 2005, we expressed concern about the procedure which had been adopted. When we learnt about this …

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Libel Laws In Ireland

Journalists and celebrities alike are well aware of the law when it comes to defamation, but the online community often forgets the legal boundaries placed on Free Speech. This pamphlet is intended to give an outline of Defamation Law as it applies to online publications, but …

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Data Retention Directive Passed

Yesterday morning (14th December 2005) the European Parliament passed a Directive mandating member states to introduce surveillance of all European citizens in their daily lives. Digital Rights Ireland deplores the decision of the large parties in the European Parliament to collude with the Council of …

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Last chance to fight EU data retention

Next Tuesday, the 13th of December, the European Parliament will vote on a Data Retention Directive. This proposes to extend data retention to the Internet, and will result in your ISPs logging every email you send, every web page you visit, and everything else you …

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Keeping Your Rights In An Information Age

Digital Rights Ireland (DRI), a new group aiming to “Protect Civil, Legal and Human Rights in a Digital Age”, was launched on Tuesday 6th December 2005 in Pearse Street Library, Dublin. Digital Rights Ireland is chaired by UCD Law Lecturer TJ McIntyre and is comprised of …

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DRI Formal Launch

December 6th sees the formal launch of Digital Rights Ireland, with a press conference in the Conference Room, Pearse St. Library, Dublin 2 at 11.00am. (Directions.) We would like to invite to you to come along – we’d welcome your support, and the chance to …

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Euro Data Retention: Crunch Time

We have posted previously about the moves to introduce data retention, for the purposes of allowing a deliberate surveillance of citizens, on an EU-wide basis. Now we bring you an update, with some time critical information. …

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IRMA’s Legal Action

IRMA announced, with a media blitz on 15th November, that they intend to send letters to 50 new individuals and companies demanding damages for losses they claim have been caused by these people making files available for download. We don’t yet know the full details …

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Dealing with SMS Spam

Ireland has one of the highest mobile phone ownership rates in the world. Mobiles are with us more than any other piece of technology, and we have a more personal relationship with them than with any other piece of electronics. Studies have shown that this …

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Data Retention in Europe: The story so far

Political action in the European Union frequently appears to happen behind closed doors. But the breadth of the EU’s powers, and the fact that EU legislation will always take precedence over our own domestic law, even our Constitution, makes it important to keep an eye …

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Parliamentary Question on Data Retention

Joe Costello TD was kind enough to place a Parliamentary Question for us asking the Minister for Justice about the use of his new data retention powers. Unfortunately the answer we received was less than helpful, with the Minister giving the blanket response that “it …

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