Sadhbh McCarthy

About Sadhbh McCarthy

Sadhbh, having originally worked in the Technology sector, is now a Director & practitioner within the Centre for Irish and European Security (CIES). As a participant within the European Security Research Programme (ESRP) she is familiar not only with the content of security research, but also with the objectives, priorities, political sensitivities and ancillary considerations across the sector. Sadhbh, holding a particular interest in concepts of privacy and fundamental rights, specializes in understanding the societal governance around security policies and explicit technologies & applications.

CIES is currently receiving research funding under the following themes: Societal Governance in Disaster Response; efficacy of European counter-terrorism measures; Societal considerations in Border Control & the use of Social Media for Intelligence gathering. Sadhbh balances her commitments at the CIES with advisory board roles in European projects, NGOs and private companies.