How DRI Spent Your Money in 2014

We respect the fact that donors like to know how their money is spent, and appreciate that contributors like to see that their donations are efficiently serving the causes they give to. We were able to accomplish a huge amount in 2014 with the funds generously donated by supporters like you; here’s how we spent your money…
In 2014, DRI’s operating budget was €53,723.00 and we spent that as follows:
Program Expenditure
The amount of money spent on the programs and services we deliver.
Administrative Costs
Overhead, staff costs, meeting costs, auditors and accountants fees.
Fundraising Expenses
The amount of money spent to raise money.
That means for every €1 you donated, we spent your money like this:
Program Delivery
Legal challenges, issue education, and public campaigning.
Administrative Overhead
DRI is run by volunteers and has no paid directors or paid staff.
Fundraising Efficiency
We spent just under 1 cent to raise each €1 donated.
Our 2015 Fundraising Goal
This year, our goal is to generate €30,000 from online fundraising. We hope you think we’ve been effective with your money; please help us meet our funding need for 2015 with your donation:
Image Credit: Images Money